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Raw data from: 1) Exp 1 - goal driven condition(endo_data) 2) Exp 1 - physical salience condition (exo_data_mod) 3) Exp 1 - implicit learning condition (nocue_data) 4) Exp 2 - goal driven and salience conditions (exp2_data) - cued column, 1=prioritized, 0=non-prioritized - error, difference in degrees between response and probed color - targetcolor refers to the prioritized color # - probecolor refers to the color # probed at test - response, point on color wheel that was chosen in degrees The `Models' folder within each folder has the scripts and model code used to analyze the data. `threeParEndoAnalysisUNI20210210` is the script for the goal driven condition in experiment 1. `threeParAnalysis20210210` is the script for the physical salience condition in experiment 1. `threeParAnalysis_nocueNoSearchUNI20210215` is the implicit learning condition in experiment 1. `threeParAnalysis_study220210707` is the script to analyze the data for experiment 2. The conditions were between subjects so the models were estimated separately. Goal driven was referred to as the endogenous condition in the script. Salience was referred to as exogenous. All 4 scripts use the same model function in: - `ThreeParMixtureModelCondV2_UNI.m' The posterior predictions were generated with the model function in: - `ThreeParMixtureModelCondV3PostPred.m' This posterior prediction function is the same as the model function, but changed to just store posterior predictions. Supplemental Table 1 is the estimated guess rates for each condition in Experiment 1. Ravizza, S. M. Pleskac, T. J. & Liu, T. Working memory prioritization: Goal-driven attention, physical salience, and implicit learning
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