**Data Sharing:**
- Raw MRI data (/data/raw_MRI_dataset):
- Anatomical MRI (T1 and T2)
- Functional MRI (task-evoked)
- Story stimuli data (/data/task_stimuli_set):
- story audio files
- story scripts
- extracted word2vec features
- Processed MRI data (/data/encoding_dataset):
- Concatenated training and testing fMRI data
- Concatenated training and testing word features
**Result Sharing:**
- Cortical representations for large corpus:
- A list of 33975 different words.
- Cortical mapping of individual words.
- Semantic categories:
- A list of words in 9 categories.
- Cortical maps with statistical results of semantic categories.
- Semantic relations:
- A list of word-pairs in 10 semantic relations.
- Cortical maps with statistical results of semantic relations.
**Code Sharing:**
- Codes for training, testing, and cross-validating the voxel-wise encoding model.
- Scripts for:
- Concatenating training and testing data
- Training and testing encoding model
**External Links:**
- Google's word2vec model: https://code.google.com/archive/p/word2vec/
- WordNet: https://wordnet.princeton.edu/
- SemEval-2012 Task 2: https://sites.google.com/site/semeval2012task2/