**WARNING: Sample videos contain strobing lights**.
This repository contains the files required to run and analyse measurements of VR controller latency as described in *Measuring motion-to-photon latency for sensorimotor experiments with virtual reality systems.*
The method to measure the latency is made up of four sets of scripts.
The Unity program was used to measure the 'virtual' position of the VR controller and control the colour of the headset screen. The scripts to do this are located in a [separate repository][1].
While the above Unity program was running, a high speed camera recorded the actual motion of the VR controller and the colour of the headset screen. A python script was made to convert the videos into .csv files containing, for each frame, the colour of the headset screens and the position of an LED close to the controller. As the raw videos require a large (~100GB) amount of storage, they have been omitted from the repository. Also included is a script used to validate the video processing algorithm by requiring the user to manually mark whether the headset screen colour had been correctly identified in 500 random frames per system.
The latency measurement R script takes the output of the *Unity program* and of the *Video to .csv conversion* script and combines them to give a measurement of the motion-to-photon latency. It does this per video per system. Also included are R Shiny apps used to validate the performance of the algorithm at detecting real and virtual motion onset.
This R script takes the results of the *Latency measurement script* and combines them to create the figures for the paper.
*There is also a folder listing all of the packages and versions used for the Python and R scripts.*
[1]: https://github.com/immersivecognition/motion-to-photon-measurement