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File Structure: We have designed our data product in a way that each model output has its own ncdf file with the following structure: Dimensions: - site = 493; - Year = 33; - ensemble = 20; - time = 119726; Variables: double site(site=493); float VARIABLE (ensemble=20, site=493, time=119726); float weights(Year=33, ensemble=20, site=493); float weights_rel(Year=33, ensemble=20, site=493); int Year(Year=33); double ensemble(ensemble=20); double time(time=119726); `weights_rel` is the variable that carries relative weights of each ensemble member over time and space/site. R scripts are developed (can be found in the file manager and under R_scripts) that helps to apply the weights to our raw model outputs for fluxes. We have two different time dependant variables (time/Year) mainly because weights and relative weights vary on the annual time scale, whereas raw model outputs vary on 3 hourly time step. The difference between weights and relative weights also is just simply the fact that the weights are the raw log-likelihood whereas relative weights will add up to 1 for each site*year.
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