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This repository contains data produced as part of the following paper. Quirine A. ten Bosch, Joseph Wagman, Fanny Castro-Llanos, Nicole L. Achee, John P. Grieco, T. Alex Perkins (2019) **Community-level impacts of spatial repellents for control of diseases vectored by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes**. *BioRXivs* []( Described datasets pertain to three main experiments on: * `Bloodfeeding` * `Longevity` * `Movement` The movement data were published before and are an exact copy of []( Methods and analyses are described in: Quirine A. ten Bosch,Fanny Castro-Llanos, Hortance Manda, Amy C. Morrison, John P. Grieco, Nicole L. Achee, T. Alex Perkins (2018) **Model-based analysis of experimental hut data elucidates multifaceted effects of a volatile chemical on Aedes aegypti mosquitoes**. *Parasites and Vectors* [](
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