### **120 minute Workshop Outline**:
**Introduction and Overview (30 minutes)**
<br>*Corresponds with Online Module 1: Introduction and Overview*
- Research Data Management: Essential, Vital, Mandatory
**The Research Lifecycle (30 minutes + 15 minute Activity)**
<br>*Corresponds with Online Module 2: The Research Lifecycle and 3: Contextual Details*
- Use Cases in context
- Identifying & Addressing Challenges
- Best
Practice vs. Common Practice
**Data Sharing and Reuse (30 minutes)**
<br>*Corresponds with Online Module 7: Data Sharing and Reuse and 9: Scientific Research Team*
- Collaborative Tools
- Understanding Security Tiers
- Data Repositories
- Ensuring Compliance
- Dissemination & Access
- Measuring Scholarly Impact
**Wrap Up, Questions and Discussion (15 minutes)**
<br>*Learning Outcomes (Take Home Points):*
- Identify and overcome RDM challenges in the lab
- Generating unique identifiers for data, publications, and researchers
- Facilitating project management with online collaborative tools
- Ensuring compliance with mandatory data sharing policies
- Considerations for data discoverability and access
- Understanding how RDM and scholarly sharing benefits your scholarly impact
- Fostering less anxiety in implementing ‘best’ data management practices