![International Open Access Week][1]
[International Open Access Week][2] is an opportunity to take action in making openness the default for research - to raise the visibility of scholarship, accelerate research.
Open Access Week is a time to celebrate achievements in open access and learn more by hearing from practitioners and experts. While open access generally refers to publications, Open Scholarship is about making all research outputs, including data, more visible, and about sharing knowledge more widely.
Harvard Library is dedicated to fostering equitable systems of open research and scholarship that serve the needs of our diverse community.
Each year we help host a variety of workshops on open platforms to help you make your research, data, and scholarship more accessible, collaborative, and reproducible.
**Check out Open Access Week at Harvard Library over the years:**
- 2018: https://osf.io/xngzv
- 2019: https://osf.io/fyd64
- 2020: https://osf.io/9wgzv
- 2021: https://osf.io/9txmq
- 2022: https://osf.io/5peuk
- 2023: https://osf.io/2mehd
[1]: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/623cc095eb20b57c419ca5b7/t/62a1615255c51060f10d957e/1654743378781/OAW-2022-Refresh-Main-2.png
[2]: http://www.openaccessweek.org/