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Category: Project

Description: Repository of St Chad Gospels, Creative Common Images, Manuscripts of Lichfield Cathedral, Bill Endres: In 2010, I (Bill Endres) began digitizing the St Chad Gospels to reveal secrets hidden in the materiality of the manuscript. Multiple times, I've returned to Lichfield Cathedral, England, pursuing a range of advanced imaging and recovery techniques to glimpse what has been lost through time--in essence, to digitally time travel. These techniques include multispectral imaging (MSI), reflectance transformation imaging (RTI), 3D capture, and digitizing historical photographs, slides, and transparencies (to map aging). For imaging the manuscript, the Chapter of Lichfield Cathedral generously granted me a Creative Commons non-commercial license. This repository includes full-sized and medium-sized high-resolution RGB images. These images can be downloaded separately (on the left, either RGB Full-Sized or RGB Medium-Sized folders) or as part of a compressed 7-zip file that contains all of the images of surviving pages, again either full or medium sized. Compressed files are found on the left or right, in the repository's component All-RGB-Zipped. Free software to extract them includes 7-Zip for PCs and Keka for Macs. In separate folders are four pages of Boethius' "Aristotelis In Categoriis" bound into the back of the manuscript and Roger Powell's "Precis" concerning his repair and rebinding of the manuscript in 1961-62. Furthermore, the repository includes components with sets of multispectral images. For each page, these sets contain images for either twelve or thirteen frequencies of light, from ultraviolet to infrared. To minimize exposure to ultraviolet light, its use was limited to pages that would benefit from it. Therefore, 88 of the 236 pages have an ultraviolet image. Frequencies of light include 365nm (ultraviolet), 450nm, 465nm, 505nm, 535nm, 592nm, 625nm, 638nm, 700nm, 730nm, 780nm, 850nm, and 940nm. Additional components contain 7-zip files to allow downloading sets of images for twenty pages at once. Finally, digital recovery images for nine pages that experienced water damage or have major erasure: 90, 91, 112, 113, 141, 157, 192, 193, and 204. Made around 730, the St Chad Gospels is one of the most important surviving illuminated manuscripts from the Insular period--British Isles from 600-850. These manuscripts are also known as Hiberno-Saxon, referring to their Irish and Anglo-Saxon influences. Because the St Chad Gospels spent time in Wales, it is also known as the St Teilo Gospels and Llandeilo Fawr Gospels. For more information and interactive engagement with multispectral, RTI, 3D, and historical images, visit CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

License: Other


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Two 7z files for bulk download of RGB images, one for full-sized images (Chad-Full-Sized.7z), the other for medium-sized images (Chad-Medium-Sized.7z)...

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Each zipped 3D model includes three files: .mtl, .obj, and .jpg. Meshlab is excellent free software for viewing them whether Mac or PC.

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Multispectral images, pages 1-20, St Chad Gospels. CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

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Multispectral images, pages 21-40, St Chad Gospels. CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

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Multispectral images, pages 41-60, St Chad Gospels. CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

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Multispectral images, pages 61-80, St Chad Gospels. CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

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Multispectral images, pages 81-100, St Chad Gospels. CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

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Multispectral images, pages 101-120, St Chad Gospels. CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

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Multispectral images, pages 121-140, St Chad Gospels. *Note - Chad125_465nm does not exist. Computer glitch while digitizing. CC Attribution/Non-Co...

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Multispectral images, pages 141-160, St Chad Gospels. CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

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Multispectral images, pages 161-180, St Chad Gospels. CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

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Multispectral images, pages 181-200, St Chad Gospels. CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

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Multispectral images, pages 201-220, St Chad Gospels. CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

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Multispectral images, pages 221-236, St Chad Gospels. CC Attribution/Non-Commercial/ShareAlike UK/Wales (CC BY-NC-SA UK)

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Boethius - Aristotelis In Categoriis, 4 pages bound after the fourth end flyleaf. See B. S. Benedikz, "Lichfield Cathedral Library: A Catalogue of the...

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7z files for bulk download, multispectral images, pages 1-40. Free software to extract them: 7-Zip for PCs and Keka for Macs. CC Attribution/Non-Comm...

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7z files for bulk download, multispectral images, pages 41-80. Free software to extract them: 7-Zip for PCs and Keka for Macs. CC Attribution/Non-Com...

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7z files for bulk download, multispectral images, pages 81-120. Free software to extract them: 7-Zip for PCs and Keka for Macs. CC Attribution/Non-Co...

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7z files for bulk download, multispectral images, pages 121-160. Free software to extract them: 7-Zip for PCs and Keka for Macs. CC Attribution/Non-C...

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7z files for bulk download, multispectral images, pages 161-200. Free software to extract them: 7-Zip for PCs and Keka for Macs. CC Attribution/Non-C...

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7z files for bulk download, multispectral images, pages 201-136. Free software to extract them: 7-Zip for PCs and Keka for Macs. CC Attribution/Non-C...

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Boethius - Aristotelis In Categoriis, 4 pages bound after the fourth end flyleaf. See B. S. Benedikz, "Lichfield Cathedral Library: A Catalogue of the...

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