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  1. Amirali Afshari
  2. Fraser Aird
  3. Nurith Amitai
  4. Madan Anant
  5. Natalie Anderson
  6. Travis Antes
  7. Craig Bencsics
  8. Deborah Berry
  9. Lawrence Blocher
  10. Elizabeth Boedeker
  11. Lynette Bower
  12. Leslie Boyd
  13. Claire Brown
  14. Steve Cai
  15. Jessica Campos
  16. Jacqueline Carrell
  17. Alberto Carreno
  18. Chih-Cheng Chang
  19. Biao Chen
  20. Chris Coss
  21. Pascal Courville
  22. Dale Cowley
  23. Gwenn Danet-Desnoyers
  24. I. Janette Delgadillo
  25. Trisha Denike
  26. Sarah Denson
  27. Jianhua Ding
  28. M. Mehdi Doroudchi
  29. James Evans
  30. Oliver Fiehn
  31. Steven Fiering
  32. Clinton Fontaine
  33. Edward Greenfield
  34. Archana Gupta
  35. Haiping Hao
  36. Kaitlyn Harr
  37. Jason Hatakeyama
  38. Stefan Helfrich
  39. Jeff Jia Cheng Hou
  40. Chun-Teng Huang
  41. Francesca Incardona
  42. Nawfal Ismail
  43. Martina Jones
  44. Irawati Kandela
  45. Jennie Kwok
  46. Jake Lesnik
  47. Jia Li
  48. Ewa Maddox
  49. Christine Mantis
  50. Sara Marrello
  51. Elysia McDonald
  52. Crystal Newell
  53. Katherine Owen
  54. Steven Pelech
  55. Vincent Pelletier
  56. Eva Permaul
  57. Maureen Peterson
  58. Mitch Phelps
  59. Amanda Pike
  60. Javier Pineda
  61. Ali Pirani
  62. Sara Poe
  63. Nicholas Pudlo
  64. John Repass
  65. Vittorio Sebastiano
  66. Supti Sen
  67. Ranjita Sengupta
  68. Michael Settles
  69. Reena Shakya
  70. Vidhu Sharma
  71. Laura Skinner
  72. Beibei Tang
  73. Todd Tolentino
  74. Angela Trinh
  75. Chriss Vowles
  76. Zhiyong Wang
  77. Brandon Willis
  78. Joshua Wood
  79. Ben Woodard
  80. Hong Xin
  81. Xuefei Yan
  82. Huajun Yang
  83. Lisa Young
  84. Lambert Yue
  85. Olga Zagnitko
Affiliated institutions: Center For Open Science

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Category: Project

Description: The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology was an initiative to independently replicate selected experiments from a number of high-profile papers in the field of cancer biology. In the end 50 experiments from 23 papers were repeated. The final two outputs from the project recount in detail the challenges the project team encountered while repeating these experiments ('Challenges for assessing replicability in preclinical cancer biology':, and report the results of a meta-analysis that combined the results from all the experiments ('Investigating the replicability of preclinical cancer biology': The project was a collaboration between the Center for Open Science and Science Exchange with all papers published by eLife.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International

Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology | Discussion
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Type: Research
Status: Completed


The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology was an initiative to independently replicate selected experiments from a number of high-profile papers in the field of cancer biology. In the end 50 experiments from 23 papers were repeated. The final two outputs from the project recount in detail the challenges the project team encountered while repeating these experiments ('Challenges for assessing rep…


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Replication Studies

Selected results from a substantial number of high-profile papers in the field of cancer biology published between 2010 and 2012 are being replicated.

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Identification Analysis of RP:CB

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Replication Data from the Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology

Aggregate datasets reported in papers: Challenges for assessing replicability in preclinical cancer biology ( &amp...

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Process paper figures and reported statistics

Figures and analysis scripts for "Challenges for assessing replicability in preclinical cancer biology" (

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Meta-analysis paper figures and tables

Figures and analysis scripts for "Investigating the replicability of preclinical cancer biology" (

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