@[toc](Prereg Challenge Information Packet)
### Social Media ###
Use the following image as your graphic for all social platforms. 600 X 335 pixels [https://osf.io/kxvab/][1]
Here are some sample Twitter posts you can start with. We would like you to use the #PreregChallenge hashtag everywhere.
- I’ve taken the #PreregChallenge and you should too! https://goo.gl/E4BfZa [Include photo above]
- Let’s improve science by taking the #PreregChallenge https://goo.gl/2fUUow
- I made my research better by taking the #PreregChallenge. You should try it too! https://goo.gl/E4BfZa [Include photo above]
- @journal-name is improving research practices. Maximize the credibility of your research by taking the #PreregChallenge https://goo.gl/E4BfZa
- Our @university-name is leading the way in improving the credibility of research with the #PreregChallenge. Is yours? https://goo.gl/E4BfZa
![enter image description here][2]
One-page summaries, good for embedding or attaching to emails: [https://osf.io/nbx5g/][3]
Mini-ads, great for other social media such as LinkedIn or Facebook, or including on your website: [https://osf.io/kxvab/][4]
### Emails ###
**Email Version 1:**
There are many innovations to improve the rigor and credibility of research. One of those is preregistration -- making commitments to the design and analysis plan in advance of knowing the outcomes. The purpose of preregistration is to clarify the difference between testing predictions (what Null Hypothesis Significance Testing [NHST] and p-values are used for) and exploratory analysis (using the data to generate predictions for future testing). Some developments on this topic that may be of interest to you and your labs:
1. This paper ([https://osf.io/2dxu5][5]), The Preregistration Revolution, provides background on the reason for preregistration and how it increases credibility of inferences and appropriate use of NHST. It also addresses common questions and challenges such as what to do when the data exist already or when you have to make changes to the plan. The paper may make for a useful lab/journal club discussion.
2. The [Prereg Challenge][6] provides a guided workflow to help researchers plan their study and create a preregistration. Moreover, by entering the challenge, if you publish the results of the preregistered study you may receive $1000--an incentive for trying it out. That can be received personally, go to a lab travel fund, support student research, or whatever other purpose you like.
3. There is even a university [leaderboard][7] for the Prereg Challenge. Stanford and Berkeley are currently tied for first place, with UC-London, Toronto, Michigan, Oxford, Penn, and USC close behind. With some entries this summer, we can move way up!
4. Finally, COS offers free consulting services to help groups work through some of the practical issues of preregistration and analysis planning: [https://cos.io/our-services/training-services/][8]
I hope that these services will be useful for preparation of your Fall projects.
Happy summer,
**Email Version 2:**
Dear Colleague,
We all want to produce the best research we can, the kind that can have a real impact on the world. Part of the might include preparing research that is highly transparent, so that others that follow can depend and build on our efforts. One way to so that is preregistration, which simply involves specification of the research design and analysis plan prior to observing the outcomes. It can really increase the rigor and quality of our work.
The Center for Open Science is currently sponsoring the $1 Million [Preregistration Challenge][9]. They will give $1,000 to 1,000 researchers who preregister their work before they publish it. As part of the Challenge they have created a [leaderboard][10] comparing many major universities and how many participants each has submitted to date.
Our [MASCOT NAME HERE, such as Wahoos, Bulldogs, etc] are currently ranked [RANK] with a total of [COUNT] preregistrations.
We can do better! Please circulate this information among your department or research peers using email, social media, or any other method you like, so we can climb that leaderboard. Let’s show just how committed we are to improving the transparency and openness of our work.
To learn more about the challenge, [start here][11].
Go Science and go [MASCOT NAME]!
**Email version 3**
Preregistration increases the credibility of research. We are working to increase the use of preregistration as part of the expected research workflow. The [Preregistration Challenge][12] is our education campaign to do just that, and we want to encourage more participation in this important effort.
In order to foster a spirit of healthy competition, we have built this [leaderboard][13] to display the leading institutions and the number of researchers who have submitted preregistrations to this campaign.
How can this campaign help your university?
First, it is an easy way to demonstrate commitment to best practices in research. Second, the money can be designated by the person who submitted the preregistration to any account they prefer. Each person can win only once, but they are free to have the money sent to the department for small grants, travel awards, or for general use. Finally, using the Open Science Framework can help support research and collaboration in more ways than just making great preregistrations, it is an ideal platform for documenting projects and sharing data or materials.
We hope you’ll take the [Preregistration Challenge][14] for your next study!
### Newsletter Content ###
(include this image if there is room in your newsletter [https://osf.io/kxvab/][15])
Ongoing questions about the replicability of published findings have spurred calls to improve research practices. Preregistration increases credibility of research findings by making a clear distinction between predicted, hypothesis testing work and exploratory results so that all findings can be given their proper weight. Creating a preregistered analysis plan for your next study signals increased credibility and methodological rigor. The Center for Open Science wants you to try it out for yourself, and is giving away $1,000 prizes for those who publish preregistered work. Learn more and take the [Prereg Challenge][16] now.
### Webinars and presentations ###
- One minute basic video about the Prereg Challenge: [https://youtu.be/SWkqdNppL-s][17]
- One hour webinar on preregistration on the OSF [https://youtu.be/EnKkGO3OM9c][18]
- [Preregistration slides][19]
- [One page information packet][20]
### Blogs ###
- Blogs about preregistration by COS: [https://cos.io/blog/tag/preregistration/][21]
- [Preregistration: what’s in it for you?][22]
### Papers ###
- The Preregistration Revolution: [https://osf.io/2dxu5/][23]
- [A manifesto for reproducible science][24]
- [Let's think about cognitive bias][25]
- [Seven selfish reasons to preregister][26]
- [Research Preregistration 101][27]
[1]: https://osf.io/kxvab/
[2]: http://i.imgur.com/DsLBck4.png
[3]: https://osf.io/nbx5g/
[4]: https://osf.io/kxvab/
[5]: https://osf.io/2dxu5
[6]: https://goo.gl/XvToqq
[7]: https://goo.gl/vTBgbP
[8]: https://cos.io/our-services/training-services/
[9]: https://goo.gl/XvToqq
[10]: https://osf.io/x5w7h/wiki/06%20LeaderBoard/
[11]: https://goo.gl/XvToqq
[12]: https://goo.gl/XvToqq
[13]: https://goo.gl/vTBgbP
[14]: https://goo.gl/XvToqq
[15]: https://osf.io/kxvab
[16]: https://goo.gl/FTM6eJ
[17]: https://youtu.be/SWkqdNppL-s
[18]: https://youtu.be/EnKkGO3OM9c
[19]: https://osf.io/t4p9g
[20]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I3hXca9nQHnYX2iAwP7ILyUazd-zxIIZ8oYBR7iOjRU/edit#heading=h.nrnw03t7conb
[21]: https://cos.io/blog/tag/preregistration/
[22]: http://andrewgelman.com/2014/03/10/preregistration-whats/
[23]: https://osf.io/2dxu5
[24]: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-016-0021
[25]: http://www.nature.com/news/let-s-think-about-cognitive-bias-1.18520
[26]: http://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/seven-selfish-reasons-for-preregistration#.WWfcC9Pytyr
[27]: http://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/research-preregistration-101#.WWfcA9Pytyr