#### John Palmer and Kit Moreland
***9 April 2020***
This Wiki gives an overview of the information in the OSF data repository for the article by Moreland, Palmer and Boynton.
There are four pages which can also be found as README files:
**Home**: `MorelandOverviewReadme.txt` is this overview
[**Data Files**][1]: `MorelandDatafileReadme.txt` describes the relevant data files
[**Data Format**][2]: `MorelandDataFormatReadme.txt` describes the data formats in the data files
[**Program**][3]: `MorelandProgramReadme.txt` describes the analysis programs within "`MorelandPrograms`".
The data files for the 4 experiments are in 4 zip files, one for each experiment. The data files themselves are in Matlab "`.mat`" format. These files include both the low contrast and the high contrast conditions.
Some example Matlab programs for reading the data files are in a zip file named `MorelandPrograms`. This does not include all analyses in the paper. Rather it is intended as short examples to help someone write their own analyses.
Summaries of the data are in 8 excel spreadsheets one for each experiment and contrast condition.
[1]: https://osf.io/e4h8n/wiki/Data%20Files/
[2]: https://osf.io/e4h8n/wiki/Data%20Format/
[3]: https://osf.io/e4h8n/wiki/Programs/