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This project has the input data and code needed to carry out the analyses described in Etzel JA, Cole MW, Zacks JM, Kay KN, & Braver TS (2015). Reward Motivation Enhances Task Coding in Frontoparietal Cortex. Cerebral Cortex PMID: 25601237 [doi:10.1093/cercor/bhu327][1]. If you have questions or difficulty with the code, or would like code for results not included here, please contact Jo Etzel ( The NIfTI input images available here are after all preprocessing, not the full timeseries or raw images. - **firstDay_4d.nii.gz** has the images for each person on the first (baseline) imaging day. There are 240 images, two (one word, one face) for each of the six runs and twenty participants. The order of the images is given in **firstDay_orderkey.txt**. - The the images for each person on the second imaging day are in **incPos_4d.nii.gz** (Incentive trials) and **noIncPoss_4d.nii.gz** (NoIncentive trials). Both archives have 236 images, since two participants are missing images for a run. The order of the images in both files is the same, and given in **orderkey.txt**. - **behavioralPerformance.txt** lists the percentage correct and mean reaction time for each participant. - **validatedROIs.nii.gz** is a mask of the validated ROIs (shown in Figure 2), aligned to the functional data. [R code][2] corresponding to the main analyses is provided in several self-contained files. The input files listed above need to be downloaded to run the code, but the only only editing required should be to set the local path at the top of each code block. - **ROIbasedAnalyses.R** performs the cross-day classification analysis on the validated ROIs, producing the results in Table 1 and Figure 3. - **mediationAnalysis.R** performs the mediation analysis and produces Figure 4 and Figure S7. - **distanceAnalysis.R** calculates the distance of each testing example to the SVM hyperplane and produces Figure 5. [1]: [2]:
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