*TMS-EEG dataset from the study:*
Tuominen, J., Kallio, S., Kaasinen, V. & Railo, H. [submitted for publication]
*Participant & procedure*: Highly hypnotizable 51 year-old female sat at rest eyes closed with simultaneous 64-channel EEG recording (NeurOne Tesla, MegaElectronics). TMS-pulses were administered with NexStim Eximia stimulator to the right calcarine sulcus (V1) with the aid of 3T MRI-based neuronavigation (NexStim NBS).
Trials were provided in alternating blocks starting from wakeful rest, followed by hypnosis. Auditory stimuli were used as a control measure to evaluate the responsiveness of the participant.
For a more comprehensive overview of the methods, see [Tuominen et al. (submitted)]
*Format*: eeglab (v13.4.4b).
Data contains the following markers:
66 = TMS pulse Baseline
77 = TMS pulse Hypnosis
70 = Auditory stimulus
10 = Auditory stimulus response
88 = Original TMS marker baseline*
99 = Original TMS marker hypnosis*
*Due to a communication error between the TMS pulse trigger and the EEG-marker system the original markers (88 & 99) were unreliable or at times omitted. TMS pulses were retained from the original data using a 500 µV threshold, and labelled (66 & 77). Both markers are available in the current dataset.