This is the online supplement to the paper *Insights from Deploying a Model-based Adaptive Fact-Learning System in a University Course*.
## Overview of directories and files
### `/data`
Contains the anonimysed data, separated by cohort, as `.rda` files.
Each `.rda` file contains the following data frames:
- `data`: trial-level data recorded from the learning app;
- `exam.item`: exam scores on the subset of items that were part of the practice material;
- `grades`: final exam grades;
- `study_time` (2018 cohort only): responses to the study time questionnaire.
### `/scripts`
Contains the R scripts used to perform the analyses reported in the paper, as well as additional analyses.
The analyses are divided over several `.Rmd` files.
Each `.Rmd` file is accompanied by an `.html` output file with the same name.
Aside from the first file, each of these files can be re-run on its own to reproduce the analysis.
- `01-prepare-data`: converts raw data (not included in this supplement) into data files in `/data`.
- `02-sample-statistics`: descriptive statistics of the sample;
- `03-usage`: analysis of when and how students used the system;
- `04-exam-performance`: analysis of link between system usage and exam performance;
- `05-study-time`: analysis of measured and self-reported study time;
- `06-performance-during-study`: analysis of performance during study sessions.
### `/output`
Contains `.pdf` files of the plots created by the analysis scripts.