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# Instructions for use # ## Behavior ## Each file contains the relevant behavior data for a given subject. Here are the critical variables in each file: **beh.pos:** the exact angular position in degrees (range = 0-359). 0 degrees is at 3 0'Clock. Increasing values go in the clockwise direction. **beh.posBin:** the angular position bin that the stimulus occupied (1 = the bin centered at 0 degrees, 2 = bin centered at 45 degrees, and so forth, see Fig 1b in the paper). **beh.col:** the color value of the stimulus (range = 1-360). **beh.colBin:** the color values divided into eight color bins, just like the position bins. **beh.reportedCol:** the reported color value (range = 1:360). **beh.err:** the response error (in degrees) i.e. the difference between the reported color and the studied color. **beh.rt:** response time. Note: each entry in for each variable corresponds to a trial. Sub 2 completed 960 trials. Therefore, there are 960 entries in each variable for that subject. ## EEG ## Each file contains the segmented EEG data for a given subject. The important variables are: **** a trials x electrodes x samples matrix of EEG data. **eeg.arf.chanLabels:** the positions of the electrodes. **eeg.arf.artifactIndCleaned:** index of trials with artifacts (1 = artifact, 0 = clean trial). **eeg.preTime:** the start of the segment in milliseconds relative to onset of the sample stimulus. **eeg.postTime:** the end of the segment in milliseconds relative to pmset pf the sample stimulus. Note: the sampling rate was 250 Hz in this experiment. ## Preprocessing Scripts ## This folder contains the scripts used to preprocess the EEG data (i.e., these were the scripts used to obtained the files described above). The zipped file also contains the data files again.
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