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This repository contains the R code and functions (see data folder) used for the analyses in the paper "Association between in-ICU red blood pack transfusion and long-term outcome in the ICU survivors" published in Critical Care (doi: For readers, please download the whole files and run "FROG_Transfusion_PublicCode.Rproj" file on your computer. We provided two .Rmd files: 1-FROG_GeneratingFiguresTables_Public.Rmd contains the whole script used to generate figures. However, as the databases are not in open access, this is just an overview of the code. For more details on how we performed our statistical analysis please see 2- 2- FROG_StatisticalAnalysis_Public.Rmd contains the statistical code to run Figure 1 and 2 from a random sample of the FROG-ICU cohort (200 patients). This file is provided for pedagogical purpose only and results should not be interpreted. "DATA_PUBLIC" file contains all generated data on the random sample of the FROG-ICU cohort. "FUNCTIONS_PUBLIC" file contains all functions used in this study. Finally, Readers can view in the "FROG_GeneratingFiguresTables_Public_VF .docx", "FIGURES_PUBLIC" and "TABLES_PUBLIC" all results generated from the whole dataset, code, figures and annotation in a more 'human-readable' format. If there are any questions or problems please contact: Imke Mayer - and/or Julie Josse - and/or Antoine Kimmoun -
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