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# Introduction - From Object to ICF ## About the project This project is a fluid container, which contains non-technical information around a research project of mine, called **from-object-to-icf**. The project is about a **model** to deduce why a structure/object becomes to a barrier and which groups of people it impedes. Main approach is "asking" which requirements something has \(e.g. doors usually force you to not be broader then a certain width\) and which [ICF]( elements/components it affects. ## Contribution I would love to hear your feedback about this work! OSF (Open Science Platform) allows multiple ways to contribute. After you are registered, you can create comments on a Wiki page (see top right corner). If you want to participate in the project (e.g. extend the Wiki), feel free to contact me ([contact details]( If you have technical discussions or issues, please open an issue at Github [here]( ## Github-Repository There is a Github-Repository, which contains technical documentation as well as data from experiments with the model. You can find it under the following link: []( "") ## License The work is licensed under the terms of the [Creative Commons BY 4.0](
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