The aim of the study was to quantify evidence of reduced Interpersonal Motor Synchrony in ASD-TD dyads.
To this end, we systematically searched, selected and summarised studies from the literature. Then, we conducted a meta-analysis asking to which extent ASD-TD compared to TD-TD dyads synchronize at a motor level during interactions.
We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on Interpersonal Motor Synchrony (IMS) in Autism.
The materials here presented include:
- *OSF.rproj* - the R directory to run the analyses
- *df.csv* - the raw dataset used in the analysis
- *df_info.csv* - the dataset including informations of each selected study
- *prisma.csv* - the dataset used to compile the PRISMA flow diagram
- *Script.R* - plain R code syntax to reproduce the analysis results (same reported in the paper)
- *SupplementaryMaterials.Rmd* - RMarkdown file used to create the supplementary materials
The preprint of this article can be found at: