The folder **E-Prime Experiments** contains .zip files which contain E-Prime files and all associated materials (e.g., audio files) for three of the four tasks used in Mehr, Kotler, Haig, & Krasnow (2017). The fourth task is the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition, which is available from Pearson Clinical.
1. *Listening Task* contains the song and speech excerpts played to listeners in the listening experiment. It begins with a synchronization tone for the Empatica E4 monitoring device [see *Code* folder for more detail]. The participant listens to audio but does not look at a screen; the task instructions are thus presented visually to the experimenter, who reads them aloud.
2. *Pitch Perception Task* is the tone-deafness test. Instructions are presented to the experimenter, who enters the participant's responses on a keyboard. Most participants use headphones so that the experimenter remains unaware of the correct answer as it is presented.
3. *Approximate Number Task* includes our version of Panamath. Because the participant must be looking at the screen, the instructions are read verbally from a separate file ("ANSTask Verbal Instructions.rtf", included in the .zip), with statements corresponding to the number that appears on the participant's screen. The experimenter enters the participant's responses on a keyboard.
Note that slightly different versions of these experiments were used across cohorts; for instance, in the typically-developing cohorts, participants read the instructions on the computer screen for all tasks. We include only one set of experiment files here for simplicity.
The folder **Code** contains a single .zip file, which is a JavaScript program for aligning E-Prime output with E4 physiological monitoring data. If you want to learn more about this code, please contact us ( and