# Day 3
This component contains the materials for the third day of the school. This day is dedicated to the bi-dimensional Richardson-Richards equation.
- **Presentations** contains the .pdf of the lectures
- **Gmsh examples** contains the materials of the tutorials for Gmsh.
- **OMS_project_WHETGEO-2D** is the OMS project of the WHETGEO-2D component.
The reference paper of WHETGEO-2D is being written.
The source code of WHETGEO-2D is available on [Github][1]
- **OMS_Project_Radiation_ET_GSS21** is the OMS project of the Radiation component and EvapoTranspiration component of GEOframe.
We thank Enrico Borinato for his help in preparing the material for Gmsh and the tutorials presented in the Jupyter Notebook within **OMS_project_WHETGEO-2D**.
_The GEOframe group_