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Guide to Effect Sizes and Confidence Intervals
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Category: Project
Description: This effect sizes and confidence intervals collaborative guide aims to provide students and early-career researchers with hands-on, step-by-step instructions for calculating effect sizes and confidence intervals for common statistical tests used in psychology, social sciences and behavioral sciences, particularly when original data are not available and when reported information is incomplete. It also introduces general background information on effect sizes and confidence intervals, as well as useful R packages for their calculation. Many of the methods and procedures described in this Guide are based on R or R-based Shiny Apps developed by the science community. We were motivated to focus on R as we aim to maximize the reproducibility of our research outcomes and encourage the most reproducible study planning and data analysis workflow, though we also document other methods whenever possible for the reference of our readers. We regularly update this open educational resource, as packages are updated frequently and new packages are developed from time to time in this rapidly changing Open Scholarship era.