Explanation regarding variables included in data:
- correctCueOrientation - what is the orientation of the relevant cue
- block - 1 - pre shift, 2 - post shift
- correctCue - what is the relevant cue
- cue 1, cue2, cue3 - the orientation of each cue
- response - the keyboard response of the participant. NA = no response before 900ms
- rt - response time
- trial - number of trial (within block)
- validity - whether trial is valid (whether target location fits the orientation of the relevant cue)
- subject - subject ID
- phase - det - deterministic; prob- probabilistic
- gender - 1 - male; 2 - female
- Dominant hand - 1 - right; 2 - left; 3- both
- Education - years of education
- YOB - year of birth
- Age - age
- OCIR - OCIR total score
- obsessing, checking,ordering,washing,neutralizing,hoarding - OCIR subscale scores
- DASSA,DASSD,DASSS - DASS-21 subscale scores