**Link**: See live schedule
**Day/time**: 12:30-15:30 Tuesday
**Abstract**: The goal of the Open Scholarship Knowledge Base is to broadly collate and disseminate the excellent content developed by the open scholarship community. By building a living resource, the OSKB aims to reduce knowledge gaps and increase the speed with which transparent research practices are adopted in the field.
The OSKB collects and curates resources, helping colleagues adopt and keep up to date with open practices. Hosted by the Center for Open Science, the OSKB is an openly accessible, community-driven resource that lives by contributions from fellow scholars.
In this hackathon, we will work together to add, review, and edit content in the OSKB, thus extending the knowledge base together. We warmly invite all colleagues, regardless of their level of expertise, to contribute questions and resources, identify missing topics, translate content, or create documentation. By pooling all our knowledge, we hope to make transparent scholarly practices more accessible for everyone.
**Pre-requisites**: none
**Slack Channel**: https://sips2020.slack.com/archives/C014W5U7PEZ
**OSF Project Page**: https://osf.io/d4q95/
**Important Links And Agenda**:
- Hackathon notes and checkin: https://bit.ly/oskb-hackathon
- Link to the OSKB: https://www.oercommons.org/hubs/OSKB
- Code of Conduct: https://www.oercommons.org/hubs/OSKB#code-of-conduct