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Hypotheses =========== As a direct replication of Andreychik and Gill (2012), we adopt hypotheses that attempt to replicate their results. **Primary Prediction: External explanations for African American status moderates the meaning of implicit associations on the IAT.** 1. For people who endorse external explanations for African American status, we predict a positive relationship between implicit racial bias and explicit racial attitudes. 2. For people with reject external explanations for African American status, we predict a negative relationship between implicit racial bias and explicit racial attitudes. 3. Introducing Internal Motivation to Avoid Prejudiced Responding (IMS) as a covariate will strengthen the relationship between endorsement of external explanations for African American status, implicit racial bias, and explicit racial attitudes. **Secondary Prediction: White ethnic identification moderates the meaning of external explanations for African Americans status on racial attitudes.** 1. For people low in White identification who endorse external explanations for African American status, we predict a positive relationship between implicit racial bias and explicit racial attitudes. 2. For people high in White identification who endorse external explanations for African American status, we predict no relationship between implicit racial bias and explicit racial attitudes (or a positive relationship between implicit bias and explicit attitudes). 3. For both groups, we expect that rejection of external explanations for African American status will predict a negative relationship between implicit racial bias and explicit racial attitudes. **Secondary Prediction: As a conceptual replication of Andreychik & Gill (2012, Study 3) - for people who endorse external explanations for African American status, implicit racial bias is associated with dispositional empathy-proneness.**
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