Registered Replication Report
This OSF project is for the Registered Replication Report for Experiment 3 of Hart, W., & Albarracín, D. (2011). Learning about what others were doing: verb aspect and attributions of mundane and criminal intent for past actions. Psychological Science, 22(2), 261–6.
This site includes the [application][3] used by those who joined this registered replication project (it's now underway so applications are now closed), the [protocol][1], and [materials][2] necessary to conduct the study. If your application is approved, you will be added to the [Participating Laboratories][4] and we will help you create a linked webpage similar to this one for your independent replication study. All completed replication studies will be published together in a single article at *Perspectives on Psychological Science*, regardless of their outcomes, with members of each lab as co-authors. All groups conducting replications will be expected to post the data from their study to their linked project page upon completion of the study.
**Important Note**: The protocol specifies the minimum requirements for participation (e.g., 30 subjects/group), but we encourage those participating in this replication effort to use as large a sample as possible. Larger samples will provide a more precise estimate of the effect size, and smaller confidence intervals for each contributed study will lead to a better overall estimate of the effect size as well. Please specify your proposed sample size/stopping rule in your Application to Participate Form.