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This collection comprises behavioural and brain activation data from an experiment investigating the effects of articulatory training on learning of non-native vowels in native speakers of British English. The behavioural data include acoustic measurements of speech (formant frequencies) and measurements of the spatial position of the speech articulators (specifically, the lips) during the imitation of heard vowels. Brain activation data report the group results from univariate and multivariate analyses of functional MRI data during sensorimotor transformation and imitation of speech. Full details of the study's motivation, design, methods and results can be found in the following open-access publication: Carey, D., Miquel, M., Evans, B., Adank, P., & McGettigan, C. (2017). Vocal tract images reveal neural representations of sensorimotor transformation during speech imitation. *Cerebral Cortex, 27*(5). DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhx056
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