*For a more detailed project description check [here][1].*
The KAVIAR projects has the goal to cross-culturally validate a scale measuring a particular emotion that is commonly labeled as "being moved" in English.
KAVIA stands for "KAmmus Validity Investigation Across different Regions, while KAMMUS stands for "KAma Muta MUltiplex Scale" (we pronounce KAMMUS as [kamy], as in Albert Camus. Kama Muta is what we call the emotion that we investigate here.
The Kama Muta model (Seibt et al., 2016) conceptualizes a positive affective emotion evoked by observing or actively taking part in a sudden intensification of a communal sharing relationship. This state is argued to be commonly accompanied by physiological reactions including weeping, feelings of warmth and chills or goosebumps and typically labeled by metaphors of touch, movement or warmth. In vernacular language this affective state is often described by words such as *moved* or *touched* in English (*rørt* or *beveget* in Norwegian; *conmovido* or *emocionar* in Spanish etc.) and motivates acting communally or altruistically.
Because there exist no terms accurately overlapping in their meaning across cultures we have introduced a theoretical construct for this emotion. Assessing the construct involves several different facets such as physiological reactions, appraisal patterns, motivation, valence, and *emotion words*. We have therefore created the KAMMUS in order to successfully measure the different spectra.
The main goal of the present project is to validate the KAMMUS across different regions by showing
I.) a general similar factor structure across different regions
II.) convergent validity with other related measures
III.) discriminant validity with other emotions
[1]: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e4zvenoqqed5nn5/KAVIAR%20Project%20Description.pdf?dl=0