This repository contains a summary file of the screening process (from initial literature to final set of included paper, see *screening_data* folder) and the clean dataset and R code and functions (see *data* folder) used for the analyses in our paper "*Temporal trends in mortality and readmission after acute heart failure : A systematic review and meta-regression in the past three decades*" published in the European Journal of Heart Failure (doi: 10.1002/ejhf.2103). Details about the content of each column in the data can be found in the 'METADATA' file in the *data* folder.
Users can use the '.Rmd' code script to run various aspects of the analysis themselves (using the data and R functions in the 'data' folder), or they can view the '.html' generated file which integrates output, code, figures and annotation in a more 'human-readable' format.
If there are any questions or problems please contact:
Thomas Merkling - and/or
Antoine Kimmoun -