We expect to replicate the effects found by Schooler & Engstler-Schooler in their experiment:
1. We expect the percentage of correct identifications to be lower in the experimental group (where a face description is provided) compared to the control group.
2. We expect the ratio of the percentage selecting the wrong face (misidentification) to the percentage indicating “not present” to be similar between the experimental and control groups.
3. We expect mean confidence scores to be higher for participants that have made a correct identification compared to participants that have made an inaccurate choice (a miss or misidentification) from the line-up. We expect no significant difference between mean confidence scores for the experimental compared to control group. We do not expect an interaction between accuracy and condition.
We expect that using the same materials, protocol and description instructions as Schooler & Engstler-Schooler (1990) will increase the likelihood of observing verbal overshadowing effects. However, individual variation among participants in terms of the effort participants put into the description task and how extensively faces are described by participants may reduce overall group effects. On this basis we anticipate that any differences found between the experimental and control groups may be smaller in magnitude than those reported by Schooler & Engstler-Schooler (1990).