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Category: Communication

Description: One of the greatest challenge for any archive is the multiplicity of file formats, some of which may be decades old. For the United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), with several decades of history accessioning and managing electronic records, this is compounded. NARA required a methodology to analyze and visualize what it has in its holdings in order to understand risk, and elected to undertake a file format profile and risk analysis of its born-digital electronic records. This paper will review the process for the creation of an electronic record holdings format profile and the identification of risk assumptions that lead to the development of a format risk analysis and preservation prioritization instrument. One of the greatest challenge for any archive is the multiplicity of file formats, some of which may be decades old. For the United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), with several decades of history accessioning and managing electronic records, this is compounded. NARA required a methodology to analyze and visualize what it has in its holdings in order to understand risk, and elected to undertake a file format profile and risk analysis of its born-digital electronic records. This paper will review the process for the creation of an electronic record holdings format profile and the identification of risk assumptions that lead to the development of a format risk analysis and preservation prioritization instrument.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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208. National Case Studies

The three papers in Session 208 explore the issues and topics pertaining to the theme of National Case Studies providing examples of good practice at ...

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208. National Case Studies (paper presentations - chair: Jane Morrison)ipres2018long paper

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