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Knowledge wh and False Beliefs: Experimental Investigations
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Category: Project
Description: This repository contains the supporting materials for the manuscript: Jonathan Phillips & B. R. George, (2018) Knowledge *wh* and False Beliefs: Experimental Investigations. *Journal of Semantics* The analysis script (written in R) is titled "knowledge_wh_analyses.R" and reads in the data (in .csv format) for the different experiments labeled "know_wh_studyX". The mansucript, figures, and associated latex code are also available. A simple markdown file with all of the original stimuli used to conduct the studies can be found in the materials folder along with the .docx version of the complete studies (along with the .qsf files used by Qualtrics for conducting the study). A .pdf of the preprint and long with the .tex code for compiling it can be found in the Manuscript folder.