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Source data & analysis code for Polti & Nau et al. 2022 - This repository contains the analysis code and source data for the following publication. Polti I.* & Nau M.*, Kaplan R., Van Wassenhove V., Doeller C.F. (2021). Rapid encoding of task regularities in the human hippocampus guides sensorimotor timing. bioRxiv. *shared-first authors. --- **Source data** For each main figure in the paper, the folder “source data” contains an individual .txt files with the respective data. The files are labeled according to their appearance in the paper (Fig2A_data.txt, Fig2B_data.txt, etc.). --- **Raw fMRI data** The folder “Raw fMRI data” contains a .txt file with a link to access the G-Node Infrastructure repository where the dataset is stored. --- **Analysis code** In addition, the folder “Analysis code” contains the code used to produce the main results. It was written in Python, Matlab and R. The files are labeled according to the respective data and result they produced (e.g. “EyeTracking” etc.). --- **Contact** If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to Ignacio Polti and Matthias Nau (ignacio.polti[at]ntnu[dot]no & matthias.nau[at]nih[dot]gov). ---
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