# Raw EEG data info
## Data directory structure
Raw EEG data of the 10 participants. In each `.zip` file the raw EEG data is divided into the four recording sessions and into training/test partitions through the following directory structure:
│ └───raw_eeg_test.npy
│ └───raw_eeg_training.npy
## Raw EEG data files
Both `raw_eeg_training.npy` and `raw_eeg_test.npy` files consist of Python dictionaries with the following keys:
* `raw_eeg_data`: raw EEG data in a 2-dimensional array of shape [64 channels × N EEG samples]. The first 63 channels contain the EEG sensor data. The last channel is the simulus channel, a sparse zero vector with integers at the onset sample of each image event/trial. The raw training data has integers ranging from 1 to 16,540, one for each [training image condition][description], and the raw test data has integers ranging from 1 to 200, one for each [test image condition][description]. The target events/trials have value 99,999.
* `ch_names`: names of the 63 EEG channels plus the stimulus channel.
* `ch_type`: type of the 63 EEG channels ("eeg") plus the simulus channel ("stim").
* `sfreq`: EEG sampling frequency (1000Hz).
* `highpass`: EEG online highpass filter (0.01Hz).
* `lowpass`: EEG online lowpass filter (100Hz).
## Matching the EEG raw data with the relative image conditions
To assign the EEG data events to the corresponding image conditions please refer to the [Image Set wiki][description].
## Additional info
For a detailed description of the experimental paradigm and the EEG recording protocol please refer to our [paper][paper_link].
You can also download the raw EEG data directly from [Figshare+][figshare] or [Google Drive][drive].
[paper_link]: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119754
[figshare]: https://plus.figshare.com/articles/dataset/A_large_and_rich_EEG_dataset_for_modeling_human_visual_object_recognition/18470912/4
[drive]: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KnOcV38RthPcpZR2vtiSm0jtZ6p63RNt?usp=share_link
[description]: https://osf.io/y63gw/wiki/home/