This is the OSF page associated with "The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard."
The original data files are labeled *Study 1 Upload Data*, *Study 2 Upload Data*, and *Study 3 Upload Data*. More recently, .csv files with the same names have been added alongside the SPSS files.
The Corrigendum as well as supplementary analyses showing that the results are robust to researcher degrees of freedom are uploaded as *Corrigendum* and *Supplementary Analyses*. An Excel file containing the data and graphs for both of these files has been uploaded, and is titled *Graphs for Corrigendum*.
Corrected files are labeled *Study 1 abbreviated data*, *Study 2 abbreviated data*, and *Study 3 abbreviated data*. Both SPSS and .csv files are available. Additionally, syntax/output files for the study analyses are available in both SPSS and plain text format.
Syntax for the original analyses for Studies 1 and 2 is available in the file labeled *Syntax for original analyses*. The analyses for Study 3 are unchanged.
An additional file labeled Scoring (Both Raw and Index) explains how we scored responses and how they were converted to be worth 1 point per question as an index score. (Analyses did not significantly differ when using raw vs. index scores).