Welcome! This is the home page of our OSF Project walk-through. You can use this Wiki space as a means to provide an abstract or purpose for the project as a whole. You have the ability to add additional Wiki content to component pages of the project as well. To edit the Wiki content, you click on the Wiki link at the top of the page next to the project title (only contributors with writing privileges can edit).
Set up your contributors by clicking on the Contributors heading at the top of the page. There can be multiple administrators - they have the highest control and can register or delete the project as well as add contributors (they are also given read access to all project components). Contributors with read and write permissions are essentially editors for whatever section of the project they are listed (contributors have to be assigned for various components as well - the permissions aren't inherited).
Note that you have a customized citation generated for your project when you expand the Citation box.
Other notable features include the ability to [Register a Project](http://help.osf.io/m/registrations), [Link and/or Fork a Project](http://help.osf.io/m/collaborating/l/524112-link-and-fork-projects), and after making a project public you can also track the impact of your research using [OSF Analytics](http://help.osf.io/m/projects/l/524052-view-analytics).
To learn more about how to work with OSF, see the OSF Guides at [http://help.osf.io/][1]
[1]: http://help.osf.io/