# Replication Materials for 'Experiments in Finance: A Survey of Historic Trends'
#### Christoph Huber, Michael Kirchler
This repository contains the replication materials -- i.e., the data and code -- for the manuscript ['Experimental Finance: A Survey of Historic Trends'](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbef.2022.100737).
#### Content
- `data` contains the collected data for experimental studies published in the relevant Finance and Economics journals as outlined in the main body of the manuscript. The data is available in `.Rdata` (R) , `.dta` (Stata), and `.csv` format.
- `narticles.Rdata` contains number of total articles published in each of the relevant journals by year. The data was collected from the respective journal publishers.
- `analysis` and `analysis.nb` contain the code to reproduce all figures in the manuscript and its appendix. The code is available as an R Markdown notebook (`.Rmd`), which runs in _RStudio_, and as a rendered `.html` file to be viewed in a browser.
All analyses were conducted with R version 4.1.0.