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README ProQuest TDM and Web of Science metadata: - ProQuest TDM studio is now available to researchers: - Web of Science data can be accessed via their APIs: Gender names: - Yearly files 1900-2016 for first names and frequency by gender Names_2000Census.csv/Names_2010Census.csv: - Census data for 2000/2010 of last names carriers pertaining to specific racial groups - File that performs all analyses and sensitivity checks for the paper, somewhat annotated and includes a concise codebook. - It also included comments on where the data goes that is found in the CSV’s for the figure code below 2_3_figure3.R: - Code to replicate Figure 3. - Input data: - dep_gen_elite.csv: group-specific predicted probabilities for gender by department’s gender elite research faculty - dep_gen_cont.csv: group-specific predicted probabilities for gender by department’s gender continued research careers - dep_race_cont.csv: group-specific predicted probabilities for race by department’s race elite research faculty - dep_race_cont.csv: group-specific predicted probabilities for race by department’s race continued research careers - Output data: - fig_3.pdf/jpeg 2_4_figure4.R: - Code to replicate Figure 4 - Input data: - genelsor.csv: group-specific gender effects for all advisor features elite research faculty - gencosor.csv: group-specific gender effects for all advisor features continued research careers - racelsor.csv: group-specific race effects for all advisor features elite research faculty - raccosor.csv: group-specific race effects for all advisor features continued research careers - Output data: - fig_4.pdf/jpeg 2_5_figure5.R: - Code to replicate Figure 5 - Input data: - attributional_mentor_differences.csv: contains all group-specific (race and gender) advisor gender/race effects for both outcomes - Output data: - fig_5.pdf/jpeg 2_6_figure6.R: - Code to replicate Figure 6 - Input data: - womennonwhite_mentor_differences.csv: contains all group-specific (race and gender) advisor gender/race effects for both outcomes advisor gender/race specific - Output data: - fig_6.pdf/jpeg
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