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# Background In this scenario you are all Co-PIs on a large multi-site research project. The funder is interested in maintaining access to portions of the ongoing research and is as requiring you to publish as much of the data and materials as you are legally able to. In support of this effort they have provided you with an experiment template on the OSF. You are not required to use this template but doing so will ease communication with the funders during the course of the project and they *are* strongly encouraging you to use a single platform that they can be granted access to during the period of funding. # Instructions Each of you should choose one of the researcher roles below and follow the relevant instructions. Make sure *someone* chooses "Researcher A". (If there are only two people in your group, you can safely ignore references to the third researcher. If there are four of you in the group, consider breaking into two pairs for this scenario or, if you are feeling ambitious, consider creating a fourth role for a representative of the funders and giving that representative appropriate access permissions based on the [Funder Access Chart]( from the accompanying example project.) ### Researcher A You are the one in closest contact with the funders and will be handling the creation of the OSF project for the group. Your institution does not require you to use any particular software so you would prefer to keep things simple and use OSF for as much of the project as possible. You are directly responsible for "Site 3" in the research. * Make a template copy of the [Multi-site Collaboration Example]( project. * Add all of your fellow researchers as administrators to **every component** of the newly named project **except** for "Site 3" and the components underneath it. * Rename your copied project something to fit your group. * Edit the description for the "Site 3" component to indicate that materials for that component are being stored on OSF directly. * Link your group's whole multi-site project to your Personal Reference Project inside the "Case 2: Multi-site collaboration" component, which is located inside "Workshop projects". ### Researcher 1 You are in charge of the work being done at "Site 1" in this collaboration. You are unfamiliar with OSF but happy to use any tool that will make collaborating with your Co-PIs easier. Your institution has a Google Drive account and all of your institutional procedures around billing and IRB submission involve use of Drive so some of this administrative material will need to be in Drive. Rather than spread things out across multiple tools you would prefer to connect everything related to this project to the OSF project so it can be more easily tracked and managed. * After Researcher A has added you as an administrator to the new project, remove Researcher A and i as contributors from the "Site 1" component and all components underneath it. * Edit the description for the Site 1 "IRB Forms" component to indicate that a Google Drive folder will be connected there (If you have a google drive account, feel free to connect an empty folder to this component using the "Add-ons" menu) * Edit the description for the main project's "Expense Tracking" component under "Grant Management" to indicate that a Google Drive folder will be connected there. * Link your group's whole multi-site project to your Personal Reference Project inside the "Case 2: Multi-site collaboration" component, which is located inside "Workshop projects". ### Researcher i You are in charge of the work being done at "Site 2" in this collaboration. You want the team's common platform, OSF, to be as useful as possible but your institution's IRB is requiring strict control over where the data you collect is stored and what vetting procedure researchers need to go through before being cleared to access that data. As a result you need to keep your data isolated on the University's Dropbox account, which is only accessible with university ID and Password. Your goal is to document these facts in all of the relevant places on the common OSF project so that junior researchers and your fellow PIs have an easy reference guide pointing to the data and how to work with it. * After Researcher A has added you as an administrator to the new project, remove Researcher A and 1 as contributors from the "Site 2" component and all components underneath it. * In the "IRB Forms" component underneath "Site 2", add a mention to the wiki that researchers will need to go through your institution's IRB approval process and request a visiting scholar user ID and password from your institution for any access to the raw data at your site. * In the "Data" component underneath "Site 2", edit the description of the component to indicate that the data must be accessed through your institution's research portal * Link your group's whole multi-site project to your Personal Reference Project inside the "Case 2: Multi-site collaboration" component, which is located inside "Workshop projects". ## Exercise Map This exercise is the one highlighted in red under the public "Case Studies" project. You will be connecting the materials you create to the other red component, which is located in your own private Personal Reference Project (the structure highlighted in blue) ![Exercise Map for Case Study 2][1] [1]:
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