There was an uncaught error where politicalid was un-reversed from 11/29/2011 - 12/15/2011 - please use the politicalid_error_fixing_sexualitydata_29Nov2011_to_15Dec2011.sps if you used the data before 11/30/2017.
In the Sexuality IAT data the politicalid variable had reversed values temporarily in 2011 and 2012 - please run the syntax "politicalid_error_fixing_sexualitydata.sps" if you downloaded the data before 11/16/2017
In the Sexuality IAT data the edu variable was mixed with different values from 2004-2012 - please run the syntax "edu_error_fixing_sexualitydata_2004-2012.sps" if you downloaded the data before 5/5/2017.
In the Skin Tone IAT, Weapons IAT and Weight IAT, education level variable was wrongly renamed in 2005 data. This error is fixed in the current version of data files. If you downloaded data files including 2005 data for those IATs, please use the syntax in the Data Error Correction project to fix this error. Please contact Nicole Lofaro at lofaron07@gmail.com for any question.
"edu" variable was wrongly renamed in the Skin Tone IAT, Weapons IAT, and Weight IAT for the 2005 data. Please run the syntax in the file section on the data files you downloaded before June 9, 2014 to fix this error. Please contact Nicole Lofaro at lofaron07@gmail.com.