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Description: ... SYNOPSIS: The data below come from journals articles, meeting abstracts, books chapters, and theses published before 2015. Preference was given to complete repertoire, catalog-style studies over experiments. A lack of a quantitative estimate for leaping disqualified the study from consideration. Estimates for the same species over multiple studies (or observation sites) were averaged, resulting in estimates for 130 total unique species (representing 54 genera). Locomotor modes were distilled into fewer, broader locomotion categories from the many possible that were reported and collected. Locomotion within each species’ repertoire were quantified by the number of discrete movements, or “bouts.” We divided the number of observed bouts for each type of locomotion by the total number of bouts (across all types) to obtain percentages. Values of zero were used for certain descriptions (e.g. “strictly terrestrial”), and in other cases, where just a single final value was available, we merely used this reported percentage. CITATION: Schruth, D.M. (2019). "Primate Locomotor Activity," The Center for Open Science (, doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/CD68Q Accessed: Juneuary 32, 2020." CONTACT: dschruth @t anthropoidea d0t org or @t uw d0t edu ...


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