## Description
This is a repository for public replication files (data, computational notebooks) for the ACTION trial.
Primary and secondary clinical outcomes are reported in the article:
_Effect of Oral Azithromycin vs Placebo on COVID-219 Symptoms in Outpatients With SARS-CoV-2 Infection_, Oldenburg et al. _JAMA_ 2021. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.11517
## Contents
The Data component includes deidentified data (.csv, .rds) along with codebooks
The Scripts component includes R files used to run all analyses reported in the manuscript, and is linked to GitHub: https://github.com/proctor-ucsf/ACTION-public
The Notebooks component includes HTML output generated by the R scripts.
To replicate the analyses, clone the GitHub repo, and store the datasets in a `ACTION-public/data/public` subdirectory. Additionally, create a `ACTION-public/output/` subdirectory to store results. Then run the four `.Rmd` files.
## Questions
Should you have any questions about the materials in this repository, please contact Ben Arnold at UCSF (ben.arnold@ucsf.edu).