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**Columnar neurons support saccadic bar tracking in *Drosophila*** <br> The material presented here integrates analysis code and data frames related to the experiments presented in the eLife [paper]( Five folders define the result sections: 1. *2p_Data* - T3 neurons are well-tuned to encode motion-defined bars 2. *Rigid_Kir2.1_Data* - Hyperpolarizing T3 reduces counter-directional object orientation by rigidly tethered flies 3. *Magno_Kir2.1_Data* - T3 hyperpolarization reduces saccadic bar tracking in magnetically tethered flies 4. *Magno_Opto_Data* - Inducible T3 depolarization acts on saccadic bar tracking behavior in a push-pull manner 5. *Model* - T3 calcium dynamics support an integrate-and-fire model for triggering saccades ---- Within each folder .Rda files (R data files) and a .Rmd file (R Markdown file) are provided for behavioral data. For two-photon calcium imaging data .mat files (Matlab data files) and .m files (Matlab codes) are provided. If you have any questions email Giovanni Frighetto (
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