Theoretical models suggest that under conditions of imminent danger,
‘reactive fear circuits’ quickly steer the organism to escape from threat
(1-7). When the organism is given time to contemplate the despairing nature
of the threat, ‘cognitive circuitry’ involved in decision flexibility
direct the organism to conscious strategic avoidance. Adjacent to these
theories is the idea that fear results in fast reactions mediated by the
hypothalamus and periaqueductal gray, while sustained fear is a model for
anxiety and mediated by amygdala-hippocampal-frontal circuits (8). We
wanted to ask the question of whether individual differences in trait
anxiety selectively evoke ativity in the ‘cognitive fear’ circutry, but not
the ‘reactive fear’ circuitry. Human subjects (N=24) with high trait
anxiety showed no impairment in their decision to escape fast attacking
threat. However, early flight in high trait anxiety was observed in the
slow attack conditions suggesting anxiety only impairs escape decisions
when the subject has time to contemplate the escape choice. Functional
magnetic imaging findings supported our behavioral results by showing that
during fast escape choices, trait anxiety did not correlate with any brain
structures, however, for slow escape choices, increased activity was
observed in the amygdala, hippocampus, and insula, regions associated with
conscious fear states. These findings suggest that when reactive fear
circuits and behaviors are evoked, anxiety plays little or no role in
adaptive escape.