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## OVERVIEW This OSF webpage provides preprocessed data and code used in the paper A Population Receptive Field Model of the Magnetoencephalography Response. This paper is a collaboration between NYU (Eline Kupers, Noah Benson, and Jon Winawer) and the Amsterdam Spinoza Center (Akhil Edadan, Maartje de Jong, Wietske Zuiderbaan, Serge Dumoulin). Historically, this project was initiated by Serge Dumoulin and Jon Winawer, and started by Barrie Klein. ### GOAL The aim of this paper is to predict visually-triggered MEG responses responses to retinotopic bar stimuli. To do this, we use the population receptive field (pRF) models estimated with functional MRI and combine these with a forward model of current propagation from the cortex to the MEG sensors. ### PREPRINT Our analyses and results are described in this preprint on BiorXiv. Please cite this paper when using code. TITLE: A Population Receptive Field Model of the Magnetoencephalography Response. AUTHORS: Eline R Kupers*, Akhil Edadan*, Noah C Benson, Wietske Zuiderbaan, Maartje C de Jong, Serge O Dumoulin*, Jonathan Winawer* (* indicates shared first or senior authorship) YEAR: 2020 DOI: URL: ### CODE Code of the MEG forward model itself, as well as analyses and figure scripts to reproduce those in the paper can be found on Github: ### DATA Current data on this OSF webpage are preprocessed MEG and MRI data*. This allows you to run the all variations of the forward model for each subject and the group. For more details how to run this model, please check out our GitHub repository. #### brainstorm_db This folder contains the data folder of our Brainstorm Database. Every subject has 2 gain matrices from the Overlapping Spheres head model (Huang et al. 1999): * **headmodel_surf_os_meg.mat**, a is low-resolution, with ~15,000 for both hemispheres used by Brainstorm. * **headmodel_surf_os_meg_02.mat**, a high resolution with ~300,000 for both hemispheres used by FreeSurfer. In our model we used the high-resolution gain matrix by default. #### fMRI This folder contains pRF maps and ROIs for each subject: * **NYU3Tave_interp**, contains the interpolated the average pRF maps from a separate aggregate retinotopy dataset collected at NYU on the subject's FreeSurfer surface. * **prfFS**, contains the subject specific pRF maps on their FreeSurfer surface, collected with the identical MEG stimuli for this study. * **roiFS**, contains the subject specific ROI mask, based on the Wang et al. (2015) atlas and those pRFs with centers falling within the stimulus field of view. * **vistaSession**, contains the subject specific pRF maps from mrVista (Vistasoft) in a matlab file. These data are then interpolated onto the FreeSurfer surface to create the maps in prfFS. #### MEG This folder contains stimulus files and preprocessed MEG data for each subject: * **preprocessed**, contains: * epoched_data_hp_preproc_denoised.mat: Preprocessed, denoised and filtered MEG data (time (ms) x epochs x runs x sensors) * meg_stimulus.mat, struct with x,y- locations and binary images) * megStimConditions.mat, vector with integers indicating each bar orientation. * **stimFiles**, contains original files to create meg_stimulus and conditions file. **We tried to share as many data as possible, but because OSF has a storage limit, we did not provide raw files (MEG SQD, MRI EPI or T1 niftis, brainstorm database data and anatomy files). We might upload those via a different medium in the future. If you are interested in accessing these data, please reach out to the first or last author of this paper.* References: * Huang, M. X., Mosher, J. C. & Leahy, R. M. (1999) A sensor-weighted overlapping-sphere head model and exhaustive head model comparison for MEG. *Phys Med Biol, 44*(2), 423-40. DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/44/2/010. * Wang, L., Mruczek, R. E., Arcaro, M. J. & Kastner, S. (2015) Probabilistic Maps of Visual Topography in Human Cortex. *Cereb Cortex, 25*(1), 3911-31. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhu277. * Brainstorm software: and citation: Tadel, F. and Baillet, S. and Mosher, J. C. and Pantazis, D. and Leahy, R. M. (2011) Brainstorm: a user-friendly application for MEG/EEG analysis. *Comput Intell Neurosci*, 879716. DOI: 10.1155/2011/879716. * Vistasoft software:
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