The following files are available through this page:
1. The original Maresh data, corrected for radiographic magnification (Appendix S1)
2. The script used to interpolate the Maresh data (AnalysisScript.R)
3. The interpolated values for the mean and standard deviation of bone length for age in one month intervals (Appendix S2)
4. Coefficients for the polynomial equations used to calculate the interpolated values (Appendix S3)
5. A script which can be used to calculate z-scores using the interpolated values (CalculateZscores.R)
6. An empty spreadsheet used in the above calculations (Data-Input.xlsx)
7. An instruction document outlining how to use the script and empty spreadsheet to calculate z-scores (Instructions.pdf)
8. An Rproject file which links all of the above documents (MareshZscores.Rproj)
Download all of these files, and store them together anywhere on your file system.