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Category: Project
Description: Assessment of kinship cues and related behaviours for pairs
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Cognitive Kinship Cues Questionnaire
Questionnaire assessing which kinship categories participants use for each other, as well as their understanding of their genetic relationship
Voice Recording Procedure
Protocol detailing how voice samples will be collected
Image Collection Procedure
Protocol detailing collection of 2D and 3D images
Ultimatum Game
Ultimatum game with 2 rounds
Trust Game
Trust game with 2 rounds
Social Touch Questionnaire [Reasons]
Questionnaire assessing how likely co-participants would be to touch each other for different social reasons.
Facial Self-Resemblance Task
Experimental task assessing social perception of facial self-resemblance
Contexutal Kinship Cues Questionnaire
Questionnaire assessing spatial, temporal and state-dependent kinship cues
Perceived Phenotypic Similarity Questionnaire
Questionnaire assessing perceived phenotypic similarity of participants
Altruism Questionnaire (Lieberman et al., 2007)
Questionnaire assessing co-participant directed altruism
Perceived Mate Fidelity Questionnaire
Questionnaire assessing men's perceived mate fidelity
Social Touch Questionnaire [Regions]
Questionnaire assessing body regions where social touching by co-participants would be allowed
Third-Party Attitudes Toward Sibling Incest Questionnaire
Questionnaire assessing third-party attitudes toward sibling incest
Altruism Questionnaire (Bressan et al., 2007)
Questionnaire assessing different types of altruism
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
Questionnaire assessing sleep quality
Anthropometric Measurements Procedure
Protocol detailing which body measurements will be collected
Social Value Orientation Measure
Task measuring preference for outcome distrubtions between self and others [part of a separate research project]
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