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  1. Markus Baumann
  2. Julian Bernauer
  3. Katharina Blinzler
  4. Zuzanna Brzozowska
  5. Katharina Burgdorf
  6. Anna Forke
  7. Tobias Gummer
  8. Andreas Hadjar
  9. Mikael Hjerm
  10. Sophia Hunger
  11. Nora Huth
  12. Jannes Jacobsen
  13. Julia Klinger
  14. Dafina Kurti
  15. Lea-Maria Löbel
  16. Nicole Martin
  17. Paul Martinez
  18. Guido Ropers
  19. Gergor Sand
  20. Constanza Sanhueza Petrarca
  21. Alexander Schmidt-Catran
  22. Nadia Steiber
  23. Sebastian Sternberg
  24. Meta van der Linden
  25. Björn Zakula

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Category: Project

Description: Crowdsourced Research on Immigration and Social Policy Preferences

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International

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