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Paper in preparation: Impairment in updating spatial representations in Parkinson’s disease correlates with dopaminergic deficiency Henry Railo, Henri Olkoniemi, Enni Eeronheimo, Oona Pääkkönen, Juho Joutsa, & Valtteri Kaasinen ----------- **Datafiles:**<br> questionnairedata - questionnaire about visual symptoms <br> T1_controlConditionData etc. - these files contain the (preprocessed) single-trial data of fixations errors (e.g. for first target (T1), Baseline condition). Angle_data files - contain the angle/amplitude data for trial-by-trial variabily analysis (i.e. how variation in the first saccade amplitude is taken into account in the second saccade). Same variables as before. Variables amp_ideal and angle_ideal are the ideal amplitudes and angles for the second saccade. Amp/angle variables are the amplitudes/angles observed for that trial. The variables are: - participant ID <br> - PD (1) or control (0) participant<br> - trial number<br> - horizontal error (x)<br> - vertical error (y)<br> - side where targets were presented<br> - dominant side of motor symptoms (in PD; 1 = left, 2 = right, 3 = bilateral)<br> - "putamen side" is a redundant variable<br> <br> DAT data: - some backgroud variables (e.g. H-Y stage) and DAT binding values <br> <br> Saccadic suppression data file variables: <br> - saccade: 1 = threshold during saccade <br> - saccadeDel: 1 = threshold right after saccade
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