![CriSiS-SR OSF Banner][1]
Welcome to our project page for the scoping literature review on the use of criminal sanctions for self-harm and suicidality in non-violent patients in the UK.
Please log in / register so you can comment.
Please review the draft protocol and leave recommendations using the "Comment" function (the speech bubbles in the top right corner). We will consider all comments and revise the protocol before finalising and starting the scoping review.
[1]: https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/bqnx7/providers/osfstorage/61a89de9c7d9fb02c2eb4d3e?mode=render
[2]: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1316434660941/WN_wy9l-g-nT0WtjMq7ObdOtg