**1. Stimuli**
- The folder, /images contains an example stimuli to run this demo (we
replaced them as royalty free images in here).
- The structure of social hierarchy is determined by
**2. Experiment schedule**
The folder, /schedule contains the schedule (Sequences of stimuli presentation for each of training session) used for behavioral training. Note that txt file is read and presented in a random order picked by PsychoPy program. Tat is, the training sets were presented in differnt order across participants.
- back.py is for the one-back task
- DX.py is for the behavioral training blocked by context (4 sessions
of Learn/Test). This is what we used on Day1 and Day2 training.
- The schedule for DX.py includes Learn.D1_1,2,3,and 4.txt',
Learn.D2_1,2,3,and 4.txt, Test.D1_1,2,3,and 4.txt, and
Test.D2_1,2,3,and 4.txt.
- DX.X.py is for the intermixed test (Test2 block). This is what was
used on Day2 and Day3 training.
- The schedule for DX.py includes Test_1.txt and Test_2.txt.
- Hub_1.txt and Hub_2.txt are used for the hub-learning blocks.
- placement.py contains the code for the placement task.
**3. Behavioral analysis**
Behavioral Test (RT_Distances_GLM.m) and sample data (/Sample) acquired from Day2 Test2 task are available in the folder /BehavioralAnalysis